Statement of Where I Stand

Guess what people? I consider ABORTION=MURDER. There, I have said it. I am against the murder of a baby for any reason. No argument has ever been made that will sway me. No argument has ever been made that would make keeping it legal OK with me. Those, like the Democratic candidate for president, who are in favor of abortion through all 9 months gestation, are in favor of murdering viable full-term babies. If you vote for such a person you are helping to promote that agenda. Turn your back on me–I do not care. If you can stomach voting … Continue reading

Ancient Catholic Teaching On Abortion

Catholic teaching is very clear and unambiguous: Not in any way can abortion be condoned. “You shall not kill the child by obtaining an abortion. Nor, again, shall you destroy him after he is born.” St. Barnabas (“Epistle of St. Barnabas,” c. 70-100 A.D.) “ You shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill one who has been born.” “The Didache [The Teaching Of The Twelve Apostles]” (c. 80-140 A.D.) “A woman who deliberately destroys a fetus is answerable for murder. And any fine distinction as to its being completely formed or unformed is not admissible amongst us.” St. … Continue reading

Abortion and Catholic Teaching

Abortion is an objectively evil act. A Catholic can never approve of, have, participate in, pay for, or take any action that makes abortion more likely to occur without endangering their soul and receiving an automatic excommunication. A person claiming to be Catholic claimed to me that the Church recognizes that abortion is sometimes necessary.  THIS IS A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL.  What the Church teaches is that a miscarriage is not a sin.  Therefore, if in the course of saving a woman’s life and attempting to preserve her pregnancy that pregnancy is lost there is no sin.  … Continue reading

Abortifacients and the Bible

I was sent this article: Abortifacients–pharmakeia and sorcery by a friend and decided to share it with my readers.  The footnotes about the Biblical take on birth control were great. I like this quote from the footnotes of the article: “Pharmakeia denotes the mixing of potions for secretive purposes, and from Soranos and others, evidence exists of artificial birth control potions. Interestingly, pharmakeia is oftentimes translated as ‘sorcery’ in English. In the three passages in which pharmakeia appears, other sexual sins are also condemned: lewd conduct, impurity, licentiousness, orgies, ‘and the like.’ (Confer Galatians 5:19-21.) This evidence highlights that the … Continue reading

Wolves “reared among sheep” and the Catholic Vote

If the current Culture of Death sitting president of the USA is re-elected it will be due to Catholic voters and the blame for their votes sits soundly on the shoulders of the Bishops of the USA. “If someone thought that wolves could be reared among sheep, imagine what chance the sheep would have.” –St. Josemaria Escriva, Furrow #967 The Bishops claim they are being pastoral because they care about the souls of these dissidents who keep repeating heresies; but I think they have missed a serious point I found here by a poor little priest: “The conversion of a … Continue reading

SCANDAL! Public Catholics promoting heresies

Catholics in public office or speaking in a public venue to thousands of listeners have an obligation to avoid promoting a known heresy. Nobody today could possibly be ignorant of the Church teachings on contraception and abortion. Possible perhaps to be confused on the Church’s teaching on marriage or the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, but NOT possible to be confused on contraception and abortion being gravely wrong, sinful, and completely contrary to Church teachings on LIFE. Catholics no matter what vocation they have are ALL obligated to know the faith and to clearly … Continue reading

THE WAY a movie about living

THE WAY, “Written and directed by Emilio Estevez, THE WAY was filmed entirely in France and Spain along The Way of St. James, also known as “El Camino de Santiago.” ” [from the back of the DVD case], stars Martin Sheen, father of the director/writer Emelio Estevez.  Its a family affiar of a film including cameos of several members of Martin Sheen’s family. I LOVED this movie about a grieving father, a fallen away Catholic, who walks the Way for his son.  The movie included some interesting people, each struggling with their own pain, who join the main character along … Continue reading

Palm Sunday Homily: “Crucify Him!”

Lent has always brought to mind truths I personally need to remember such as the reality that every sin committed is in effect my joining in with the crowds shouting of Christ, “Crucify Him!” Rarely do I see our participation in the crucifixion discussed outside of Lent.  Scripture tells us that Jesus said, “Whatever you do to the least of these, you do unto ME.”   This is a good starting point for coming to recognize in what ways we say our own, “Crucify Him!” The least of these, an example. LIFE ISSUES The person who ignores Church teaching on artificial … Continue reading

UPDATES 2-19-12

BURNING INCENSE BEFORE IDOLS Our fight against the HHS mandate is only the tip of the iceberg.  Caesar is determined to force all to bow before his idol.  Caesar is determined to claim the authority to define religious belief for all citizens of the United States, first amendment be damned.  Clearly, the days of Rome have returned complete with all the evils of abortion and infanticide in addition to the worship of the ruler as a god. CONTRACEPTION AND ABORTION AND THE EARLY CHURCH FATHERS We have a Church that preserves by the power of the Holy Spirit the full … Continue reading