SCANDAL! Public Catholics promoting heresies

Catholics in public office or speaking in a public venue to thousands of listeners have an obligation to avoid promoting a known heresy. Nobody today could possibly be ignorant of the Church teachings on contraception and abortion. Possible perhaps to be confused on the Church’s teaching on marriage or the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, but NOT possible to be confused on contraception and abortion being gravely wrong, sinful, and completely contrary to Church teachings on LIFE. Catholics no matter what vocation they have are ALL obligated to know the faith and to clearly … Continue reading

HHS Mandate = symptom of bigger battle

There are a lot of people writing about the problems with the HHS mandate. The Bishops conference posted a list of things everyone should know about this mandate.  Fr. Z blogged a bit on this HHS mandate and on the new Washington State unnatural marriage bill.  Fr. Barron videos on the Anti-Catholic and Un-American HHS mandate.  Why I am Catholic has a piece on The HHS Mandate and the Lord of the Rings that is truly marvelous. This battle is bigger than the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.  The Constitution merely enumerates a FEW … Continue reading

Prophesy Alive in the Catholic Church… and generally ignored

Early in 1968, Pope Paul VI listened to the reports of a committee of Catholic scholars, theologians, clergy and laypersons on what the Catholic position should be on the modern methods of artificial birth control.  He turned to God in prayer and from his official position as the representative of Christ to the world, he wrote to communicate the will of God for all Christians. On July 25, 1968 this historic and prophetic letter, Humane Vitae, was promulgated and sent out to all the world. Many people ignored it. Few read it.  Of those who read it, many rejected its … Continue reading