Abortion and Catholic Teaching

Abortion is an objectively evil act. A Catholic can never approve of, have, participate in, pay for, or take any action that makes abortion more likely to occur without endangering their soul and receiving an automatic excommunication. A person claiming to be Catholic claimed to me that the Church recognizes that abortion is sometimes necessary.  THIS IS A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL.  What the Church teaches is that a miscarriage is not a sin.  Therefore, if in the course of saving a woman’s life and attempting to preserve her pregnancy that pregnancy is lost there is no sin.  … Continue reading

SCANDAL! Public Catholics promoting heresies

Catholics in public office or speaking in a public venue to thousands of listeners have an obligation to avoid promoting a known heresy. Nobody today could possibly be ignorant of the Church teachings on contraception and abortion. Possible perhaps to be confused on the Church’s teaching on marriage or the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, but NOT possible to be confused on contraception and abortion being gravely wrong, sinful, and completely contrary to Church teachings on LIFE. Catholics no matter what vocation they have are ALL obligated to know the faith and to clearly … Continue reading

The Holy Spirit and Feminism

Over at Crisis Magazine I have been finding a wealth of thought provoking articles including one on the Holy Spirit (the Hagia Sophia Is No Lady) that fits perfectly with some of the things I have recently been thinking about the problem of feminism. In another article from the same source Donna Steichen discusses the question of whether or not Feminism might be a heresy (Is Feminism A Heresy?). I happen to agree with both of the above articles.  Feminism in the Church has taken on the form of a heresy which seeks to warp essentials such as our understanding … Continue reading

Unintended Heresies

Catholic Teaching is a beautifully simple thing even in its complexity.  Every word has meaning, every phrase is the result of centuries of thinking and prayer and the fruit of MANY discussions and the decisions of ecumenical councils.  It is a rock on which to build one’s house.  Solid in the storms that come because it is the Truth about God. I have a favorite Marian hymn which I sing with a single word changed from the original.  Why would I do this?  I make the one word change in this fine song because as it is worded it reflects … Continue reading