How to Live Well

Every activity we have in this life require a certain effort beyond the basic effort we put into life. Like an athlete must go beyond what he thinks he can do, so must all of us when seeking greatness in our lives.  Above my desk is a quote I pulled from a blog: MusselmanCoach. Dig deeper! You have to go deeper! Get in there, fight, be strong, and be tough, we all have more to give then we think! Push yourself! Use every ounce of your potential! I know you have more, I know you can find more inside, we … Continue reading

Abortion and Catholic Teaching

Abortion is an objectively evil act. A Catholic can never approve of, have, participate in, pay for, or take any action that makes abortion more likely to occur without endangering their soul and receiving an automatic excommunication. A person claiming to be Catholic claimed to me that the Church recognizes that abortion is sometimes necessary.  THIS IS A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL.  What the Church teaches is that a miscarriage is not a sin.  Therefore, if in the course of saving a woman’s life and attempting to preserve her pregnancy that pregnancy is lost there is no sin.  … Continue reading

Abortifacients and the Bible

I was sent this article: Abortifacients–pharmakeia and sorcery by a friend and decided to share it with my readers.  The footnotes about the Biblical take on birth control were great. I like this quote from the footnotes of the article: “Pharmakeia denotes the mixing of potions for secretive purposes, and from Soranos and others, evidence exists of artificial birth control potions. Interestingly, pharmakeia is oftentimes translated as ‘sorcery’ in English. In the three passages in which pharmakeia appears, other sexual sins are also condemned: lewd conduct, impurity, licentiousness, orgies, ‘and the like.’ (Confer Galatians 5:19-21.) This evidence highlights that the … Continue reading

Bishop Jenky’s Incredible Homily

This is an INCREDIBLE HOMILY. I love the witness to the Truth of our Catholic Faith with which he begins: The disciples never expected the resurrection. The unanimous testimony of all four Gospels is that the terrible death of Jesus on the cross entirely dashed all their hopes about Jesus and about his message. He was dead, and that was the end of it. They looked for nothing more, and they expected nothing more…. And they were clearly terrified that his awful fate, at the hands of the Sanhedrin and the Romans, could easily become their awful fate. So they … Continue reading

Vatican Approves ‘Blessing of a Child in the Womb’

Vatican Approves ‘Blessing of a Child in the Womb’ “I’m impressed with the beauty of this blessing for human life in the womb,” said Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). “I can think of no better day to announce this news than on the feast of the Annunciation, when we remember Mary’s ‘yes’ to God and the incarnation of that child in her the womb that saved the world.” (USCCB:  Vatican Approves English and Spanish Texts for ‘Blessing of a Child in the Womb’) This is … Continue reading

Called To Life: Introduction

Over at Suscipio I have joined in with other women to read the book, Called To Life by Jacques Philippe.  We began with the Introduction and I got a bit of a late start but am already enjoying this book.  The format is to read a section and then respond on that web site.  I can already see that this is a good community of women and edifying for me! My copy of this book is the Kindle edition.  I have to say that I am finding the basic kindle to be a good thing.  I can carry an entire … Continue reading