“Infinite Space, Infinite God II,” by Karina Fabian

Twelve science fiction stories featuring great adventure with a twist of faith. Summary: Twelve science fiction stories featuring great adventure with a twist of faith. Infinite Space, Infinite God II spans the gamut of science fiction, from near-future dystopias to time travel to space opera, puzzles of logic to laugh-out-loud humor and against-the-clock suspense. A great read for any science fiction fan; a must-read for those seeking something new in their fiction. If you enjoy science fiction that recognizes faith, especially the Catholic faith, as an integral part of human society, you’ll love ISIG II. However, Karina has another surprise … Continue reading

Abortion and Catholic Teaching

Abortion is an objectively evil act. A Catholic can never approve of, have, participate in, pay for, or take any action that makes abortion more likely to occur without endangering their soul and receiving an automatic excommunication. A person claiming to be Catholic claimed to me that the Church recognizes that abortion is sometimes necessary.  THIS IS A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL.  What the Church teaches is that a miscarriage is not a sin.  Therefore, if in the course of saving a woman’s life and attempting to preserve her pregnancy that pregnancy is lost there is no sin.  … Continue reading

Applied Moral Theology: Social Media and Silence

Applied Moral Theology is when you take the precepts of moral theology and begin to see how those ideas apply to the modern world. What does moral theology have to do with social media like the internet, twitter, facebook, email, texting, phone calls, etc.?  A LOT. We know that we are to place God first in our lives.  We also know that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves.  How does that look in practice? What has that to do with social media? First, putting God first means quiet times to pray, and Mass on Sundays and Holy Days … Continue reading