Prayer Warrior 101

Scripture is clear that our enemies are not the people whom we see before us but the principalities and powers in the spiritual realm who are driving the evil being done by our obvious human enemies. History is full of endless rounds of futile violence that generally cycles back around years after it seems to have all been settled. WHY? Because of sin of course. We all KNOW this if we know anything about our faith, but it is so basic, so obvious, that most of us give it no thought at all. Yet, that sin is the hook that … Continue reading

Why Catholic?

 “Why be Catholic?  The dogma is so narrow and limiting.  Catholicism denies other ways of living even exist! It is so bigoted.” –anonymous To which I responded,  “We are freed by the dogmas to live in light and not in darkness. This freedom is available to anyone courageous enough to embrace Christ. Truth is GOOD. We know there are many other ways to live- but we refuse to accept less than the GOOD which God has given us through Jesus. Why should anyone prefer darkness to light? We choose light, and hope others will choose it too.” I find it … Continue reading

Ancient Catholic Teaching On Abortion

Catholic teaching is very clear and unambiguous: Not in any way can abortion be condoned. “You shall not kill the child by obtaining an abortion. Nor, again, shall you destroy him after he is born.” St. Barnabas (“Epistle of St. Barnabas,” c. 70-100 A.D.) “ You shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill one who has been born.” “The Didache [The Teaching Of The Twelve Apostles]” (c. 80-140 A.D.) “A woman who deliberately destroys a fetus is answerable for murder. And any fine distinction as to its being completely formed or unformed is not admissible amongst us.” St. … Continue reading

Abortion and Catholic Teaching

Abortion is an objectively evil act. A Catholic can never approve of, have, participate in, pay for, or take any action that makes abortion more likely to occur without endangering their soul and receiving an automatic excommunication. A person claiming to be Catholic claimed to me that the Church recognizes that abortion is sometimes necessary.  THIS IS A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL.  What the Church teaches is that a miscarriage is not a sin.  Therefore, if in the course of saving a woman’s life and attempting to preserve her pregnancy that pregnancy is lost there is no sin.  … Continue reading