How to Live Well

Every activity we have in this life require a certain effort beyond the basic effort we put into life. Like an athlete must go beyond what he thinks he can do, so must all of us when seeking greatness in our lives.  Above my desk is a quote I pulled from a blog: MusselmanCoach. Dig deeper! You have to go deeper! Get in there, fight, be strong, and be tough, we all have more to give then we think! Push yourself! Use every ounce of your potential! I know you have more, I know you can find more inside, we … Continue reading

Why Catholic?

 “Why be Catholic?  The dogma is so narrow and limiting.  Catholicism denies other ways of living even exist! It is so bigoted.” –anonymous To which I responded,  “We are freed by the dogmas to live in light and not in darkness. This freedom is available to anyone courageous enough to embrace Christ. Truth is GOOD. We know there are many other ways to live- but we refuse to accept less than the GOOD which God has given us through Jesus. Why should anyone prefer darkness to light? We choose light, and hope others will choose it too.” I find it … Continue reading

Advent: Preparing to celebrate the birth of a savior

Advent is a season for reflection on my faith, on what I believe, not a season for thinking about what I shall buy. I do give gifts in honor of the Wise Men who came at the Epiphany to give gifts to the newborn King at CHRISTMAS which does not begin until the vigil Mass for December 25. I am reflecting this Advent on how fragile is life. How the devil does his best to rob you of your faith. How thoroughly the majority of my fellow Catholics have internalized the message of the devil, and how totally they have … Continue reading

Bishop Jenky’s Incredible Homily

This is an INCREDIBLE HOMILY. I love the witness to the Truth of our Catholic Faith with which he begins: The disciples never expected the resurrection. The unanimous testimony of all four Gospels is that the terrible death of Jesus on the cross entirely dashed all their hopes about Jesus and about his message. He was dead, and that was the end of it. They looked for nothing more, and they expected nothing more…. And they were clearly terrified that his awful fate, at the hands of the Sanhedrin and the Romans, could easily become their awful fate. So they … Continue reading