Bishop Jenky’s Incredible Homily

This is an INCREDIBLE HOMILY. I love the witness to the Truth of our Catholic Faith with which he begins: The disciples never expected the resurrection. The unanimous testimony of all four Gospels is that the terrible death of Jesus on the cross entirely dashed all their hopes about Jesus and about his message. He was dead, and that was the end of it. They looked for nothing more, and they expected nothing more…. And they were clearly terrified that his awful fate, at the hands of the Sanhedrin and the Romans, could easily become their awful fate. So they … Continue reading


CHRIST IS RISEN, GLORIFY HIM!  HE IS RISEN INDEED, ALLELUIA! Easter is the feast of the new creation. Jesus is risen and dies no more. He has opened the door to a new life, one that no longer knows illness and death. He has taken mankind up into God himself.                         –POPE BENEDICT XVI (from Fr. Z’s blog– go to WDTPRS for the rest) Easter is the apex of the feasts and celebrations of the Catholic Church.  It is the highest of all our high Holy Days.  THIS day we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus.  We celebrate the empty tomb. We … Continue reading