Health Goals for 2018

I’ve struggled this year with my health issues and am finding myself facing even bigger health challenges going forward. It has become vital for my spinal health that I strongly correct my posture. A better chair isn’t going to cut it anymore. I need to exercise in a manner that will push my body to hold healthy core strength and good posture. Answer: return to Weight Lifting, and Ballroom! I found a studio that is at my end of town and is parking friendly for my bigger vehicle. I have taken from this teacher before and while this is not … Continue reading

Ordinary Beauty VI: health

Our culture does not value beauty beyond its relationship to function or earning power. Girls are taught to pursue careers and earn good money; they are taught to develop a career before they consider marriage and family. Men seek wives who can add a solid second paycheck; men used to seek wives who had the skills to create a beautiful home for a family. There was a time when the beauty created by home makers was valued. Girls were taught the skills and could expect to have those skills valued.  Those days are long gone. Our culture glorifies the career … Continue reading

Destruction of Purity

Several friends were discussing the the changes in our education system which even the parochial schools are embracing. We discussed a book assigned to middle school children written in first person from the perspective of a pedophile and everyone felt that it was not appropriate reading material for a child who is barely entering puberty.  They were wondering what the agenda was that caused the writers of this program to select a book about sexual deviancy for children who do not yet have their own healthy sexuality set solidly.  We agreed that the pornographic sex education was just wrong and … Continue reading

Great Weight Write Off TAKE TWO!

I embark on another 8 week adventure in mutual support for our weight loss efforts and our writing goals. I’ve set another 10 pound goal and I’d like to lose another inch at the waist. My co-write-off adventurers have their own goals and we will compete to lose weight while cheering each other on. No matter who wins the challenges, we ALL win because we support each other in our vocations. Dear Lord, thank You for this supportive group of people and their positive influence on my life and health. Please bless them. +Amen. … Continue reading

Great Weight Write-off: Dennis’ Blood Pressure!

The person who did the best last week in the Great Weight Write-off was Dennis who won because he has successfully used diet to improve his health and control his blood pressures without medication!!  Way to go Dennis! Dennis is a husband and the father of nine kids, 1 daughter and 7 sons plus one daughter in heaven. He is a freelance writer and author who writes both fiction and non-fiction on numerous topics – family, faith, fantasy , etc. His first published magazine article is in the Lenten Edition of The Word Among Us, viewable on-line at He has … Continue reading

The Great Weight Write-off: Stress and Binging

The greatest weakness interfering with me sticking perfectly to my diet is stress.  One humdinger of a crazy day followed by passing a candy machine on campus and there I go, falling into temptation. I went a full MONTH without a single glitch or binge.  A month of eating on my diet, feeling really really good, and losing a lovely bunch of pounds. Then in one fell swoop, I ate two chocolate bars. In one sitting like a greedy little glutton, I scarfed down those two chocolate goodies. I didn’t even eat them slow enough to enjoy them. This may … Continue reading

Great Weight Write-off: measurements vs weight

Getting my brain around the fact that weight was not the only way to measure my progress was quite a challenge.  Kinda like getting free of the hypothesis that calorie restriction will take off weight  because types/sources of calories make a huge difference in how our bodies metabolize them (Gary Taubes’ WHY WE GET FAT and GOOD CALORIES BAD CALORIES).  It took learning the science of my metabolism, along with the ways the different foods interact with that metabolism, to find what, for me, is the only way to take off weight. Cooking from the place of understanding food and … Continue reading

The Great Weight Write-off: One Pound more!

Well, this week my weight did not change much.  I am down only a single pound from a week ago for a total one month weight loss of 18 pounds! I am very happy over this. This week had its challenges.  I had to fast for blood work and ate a burger afterwards, and several times I have taken a bite of fruit that was not on my approved list.  Too many carbs= little or no weight loss. On the up side, I can see that the small amount of cheating put me very much at a maintenance level of … Continue reading

Great Weight Write-off

WEEK TWO of the Great Weight Write-off has been a mixture of stress and success. I lost six pounds and two inches off hip and bust, and 1/2 inch off the waist. A SUCCESSFUL WEEK!! THE WEEK My week was a stressful mess. We are in the process of changing to a new family practitioner. Next time everyone comes down with the same bug, we can now go to the SAME doctor.  We discovered a few health issues and are treating them.  Other health issues are on the watch and testing list. I am having some strong symptoms of diabetes, … Continue reading