Statement of Where I Stand

Guess what people? I consider ABORTION=MURDER. There, I have said it. I am against the murder of a baby for any reason. No argument has ever been made that will sway me. No argument has ever been made that would make keeping it legal OK with me. Those, like the Democratic candidate for president, who are in favor of abortion through all 9 months gestation, are in favor of murdering viable full-term babies. If you vote for such a person you are helping to promote that agenda. Turn your back on me–I do not care. If you can stomach voting … Continue reading

Ancient Catholic Teaching On Abortion

Catholic teaching is very clear and unambiguous: Not in any way can abortion be condoned. “You shall not kill the child by obtaining an abortion. Nor, again, shall you destroy him after he is born.” St. Barnabas (“Epistle of St. Barnabas,” c. 70-100 A.D.) “ You shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill one who has been born.” “The Didache [The Teaching Of The Twelve Apostles]” (c. 80-140 A.D.) “A woman who deliberately destroys a fetus is answerable for murder. And any fine distinction as to its being completely formed or unformed is not admissible amongst us.” St. … Continue reading