True Devotion To The Holy Spirit by Archbishop Luis M. Martinez

I chose the book, TRUE DEVOTION TO THE HOLY SPIRIT by Luis M. Martinez, as my spiritual reading and having finished it this morning, I thought to review it while still fresh in my mind. I HIGHLY recommend this book! In the first notes the publisher tells us that TRUE DEVOTION TO THE HOLY SPIRIT is an abridged edition of the book, THE SANCTIFIER, from the original by Archbishop Luis M, Martinez, EL ESPIRITU SANTO. This translation is by Sister M. Aquinas, O.S.U. copyright 2000 by Sophia Institute Press. Archbishop Luis M. Martinez was archbishop of Mexico. His friends saw … Continue reading

A Traditional Prayer to the Holy Spirit

I love this particular prayer. I love it because I love the Holy Trinity. I love the Our Father, because it references the first person of the one God. I love the Jesus Prayer and the Hail Mary for their focus on the second person of the Godhead. Few prayers say much about the Holy Spirit, third person of the Triune God, so I find myself praying this one in honor of God the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall … Continue reading


Today is Pentecost. Descent of the Holy Spirit and Birthday of the Catholic Church are celebrated on this day. This is lovely ancient music. Latin Veni,creàtor Spìritus, mentes tuòrum visita, imple supérna gràtia, quae tu creàsti péctora. Qui dìceris Paràclitus, donum Dei,Altìssimi, fons vivus,ignis,càritas, et spiritàlis ùnctio. Tu septifòrmis mùnere, dextrae Dei tu dìgitus, tu rite promìssum Patris, sermòne ditans gùttura. Accénde lumen sénsibus: infùnde amòrem còrdibus: infìrma nostri còrporis virtùte firmans pérpeti. Hostem repéllas lòngius, pacémque dones pròtinus: ductòre sic te praevio vitémus omne nòxium. Per te sciàmus da Patrem, noscàmus atque Fìlium, te utriùsque Spìritum credàmus omni témpore. … Continue reading

The Holy Spirit and Feminism

Over at Crisis Magazine I have been finding a wealth of thought provoking articles including one on the Holy Spirit (the Hagia Sophia Is No Lady) that fits perfectly with some of the things I have recently been thinking about the problem of feminism. In another article from the same source Donna Steichen discusses the question of whether or not Feminism might be a heresy (Is Feminism A Heresy?). I happen to agree with both of the above articles.  Feminism in the Church has taken on the form of a heresy which seeks to warp essentials such as our understanding … Continue reading

Prayer to the Holy Spirit and Our Daily Lives

There is an old and wonderful prayer to the Holy Spirit.  I’ll add it at the end of this blog post. Every time I read in the works of early Christian writers about God the majority of what I pick up is about God the Father or God the Son and lots about the most Holy Trinity but, except where discussed as part of the Trinity, there is not a lot of writing about the Holy Spirit.  Even in the writings of most Saints there is much more about the Trinity, Father and Son than about the Holy Spirit. It … Continue reading