Nostagia or ?

Once upon a time I showed dogs, bred champions, trained in obedience and agility, did all the proper health testing even if there wasn’t a problem in my breed, and even trained to be an AKC judge. I then went through a crisis and ended up letting it all go. So now, I enjoy my pets but they are not particularly trained. Recently I spent a lot of time getting some scheduling moved around so that I could return to attending the meetings of our local kennel club. Why? Because I saw an old acquaintance coming out of Church and … Continue reading

THE WAY a movie about living

THE WAY, “Written and directed by Emilio Estevez, THE WAY was filmed entirely in France and Spain along The Way of St. James, also known as “El Camino de Santiago.” ” [from the back of the DVD case], stars Martin Sheen, father of the director/writer Emelio Estevez.  Its a family affiar of a film including cameos of several members of Martin Sheen’s family. I LOVED this movie about a grieving father, a fallen away Catholic, who walks the Way for his son.  The movie included some interesting people, each struggling with their own pain, who join the main character along … Continue reading

End of an Era: Encyclopaedia Britannica Out of Print

This is the end of an era.  The LAST print edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica has been made and when the stock runs out, there will be no more print editions. I feel like crying because my grandchildren may never know the joy of paging through a huge encyclopaedia, looking up a topic for school, but browsing as you went along, reading articles on many many interesting topics on your way to the one article you needed for that report. I feel so sad because the tactile joy of handling a well bound volume is vanishing from the landscape. My … Continue reading