Progressing In My Vocation

I used to wonder how I would ever know what to do with my life. Many persons have asked this question. It is a huge struggle because each of us has many possible paths we could take and are generally young and inexperienced when we make some pretty major choices. I remember looking at the wide range of my interests and abilities and despairing of ever figuring out what I was expected to do with all of that!  Which way did God want me to go? Which way did I want to go?  Were they the same?  Were all decisions … Continue reading

Wolves “reared among sheep” and the Catholic Vote

If the current Culture of Death sitting president of the USA is re-elected it will be due to Catholic voters and the blame for their votes sits soundly on the shoulders of the Bishops of the USA. “If someone thought that wolves could be reared among sheep, imagine what chance the sheep would have.” –St. Josemaria Escriva, Furrow #967 The Bishops claim they are being pastoral because they care about the souls of these dissidents who keep repeating heresies; but I think they have missed a serious point I found here by a poor little priest: “The conversion of a … Continue reading