Advent: Hell is REAL!

Hell is a very real place and the vast majority of humanity through the abuse of their free will have chosen to live lives that will end with their spending eternity in Hell. 13 Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. 14 How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it! —Matthew 7:13-14 REPENT! is a constant admonition in the Scriptures and the Tradition of the Church.  St. … Continue reading

Religious Liberty: Freedom of Religion vs Freedom of Worship

This change in language is often coupled with another bit of lesser-known subterfuge used to rob people of their God-given freedom, the corporatizing of rights.  By this, I mean the attempt to take rights that naturally and rightly belong to the individual and apply them only to a group.  When these rights belong only to a group, then the government can determine who belongs to this group.  This group will steadily become smaller and smaller until the right does not seem to exist at all. — Pat Archbold Our Liberties in general are under attack in the United States and … Continue reading

The ESSENTIAL Nature of Free Will

We face a major crisis with our own government ignoring the First Amendment of the Constitution and legislating to religious groups how they must abide by a practice that violates a major tenet of their religion. Here we have an article that I will be blogging around.  it is a good article as far as it goes. It lacks some finesse in the history department and lacks some definitions.  However, as a starting point for our discussion it is useful. God desires that we live according to His will because we have chosen to do so freely.  Free will naturally … Continue reading

Willful Holiness: Saintly Examples

Saintly Examples The Saints were people who used their freedom to choose a path for themselves that the secular world and even the Church of their time found incomprehensible. These movers and shakers of the spiritual life were so willfully determined on the pursuit of holiness that they disturbed the people with whom they came into contact.  Their success in living heroic virtue can be credited to God’s grace guaranteeing their freedom to use their free will and reason to decide what they wanted.  In each case, their decisions led to lives of heroic virtue worthy of emulation. I read … Continue reading

Willful Holiness: I Did It My Way

God given Free Will is a marvelous gift. A godlike gift because it says of every human being that they, in the image and likeness of God, are free to live their lives so that the words, “I did it my way”, are true in ways that no other species on earth can say. Thanks to Adam’s and Eve’s sin, human nature is changeable and flawed.  We are not automatically inclined to true Good.  We do not automatically decide to follow God.  This changeable nature means we must use our free will and our reasoning ability to decide who to … Continue reading

Lay Person, Christian, Saint…say what?

What is a Lay Person? I’m Baptized Christian, specifically a Catholic Christian, and as I am not a priest that means I am a LAY PERSON. Even monks, friars, sisters and nuns are LAY PEOPLE, unless the monk or friar is also a priest.  A Lay person is any baptized Christian who has not received Holy Orders.  That is pretty much every Christian out there.  We are all called to be Saints. What does it mean to be a Christian and to become a saint? To be a Christian is nothing less than turning our lives around and living the … Continue reading