Proper Perspective on What Guns Mean to Civilization

I was sent this in an email.  If anyone knows where it came from and can give me a URL I would LOVE to know.  I suspect any blog that originated this would be one I would like to read!  So, by all means if you find a source, do send it to me. Civilization As the Supreme Court hears arguments for and against the Chicago , IL , Gun Ban, here is a stellar example of a letter (written by a Marine), that places the proper perspective on what a gun means to a civilized society. Interesting take – … Continue reading

Willful Holiness: Saintly Examples

Saintly Examples The Saints were people who used their freedom to choose a path for themselves that the secular world and even the Church of their time found incomprehensible. These movers and shakers of the spiritual life were so willfully determined on the pursuit of holiness that they disturbed the people with whom they came into contact.  Their success in living heroic virtue can be credited to God’s grace guaranteeing their freedom to use their free will and reason to decide what they wanted.  In each case, their decisions led to lives of heroic virtue worthy of emulation. I read … Continue reading