Opus Bono Sacerdotii

Fr. Z shares about a ministry to retired priests who have fallen through the cracks and are not being supported in their old age. Opus Bono Sacerdotii help for priests who have nowhere else to turn is filling a need that I did not know about until Fr. Z shared about them. Please visit their web site. I feel heartbroken that good priests, men who have been spiritual fathers and faithfully served Christ and His Church are forgotten in such a way!  Apparently not every diocese has done what they ought to have done to prepare a place for these … Continue reading


Christ commanded that we be salt and light [Matt 5:13-16] and often we ponder this admonition without a clue how to fulfill it.  The Catholic Briefcase by Randy Hain can help. The Catholic Briefcase would be an excellent choice for an individual or a group study.  The questions gently encourage discussion and reflection.  An individual working alone will find them easy to use in prayer or writing in a journal. A group would find them an easy start for group discussion.  Each chapter stands as part of the whole but also as its own unit– this means if the book is used in … Continue reading

Religious Liberty: Freedom of Religion vs Freedom of Worship

This change in language is often coupled with another bit of lesser-known subterfuge used to rob people of their God-given freedom, the corporatizing of rights.  By this, I mean the attempt to take rights that naturally and rightly belong to the individual and apply them only to a group.  When these rights belong only to a group, then the government can determine who belongs to this group.  This group will steadily become smaller and smaller until the right does not seem to exist at all. — Pat Archbold Our Liberties in general are under attack in the United States and … Continue reading

Voluntary Charity

VOLUNTARY CHARITY IS THE WAY GOD MEANS FOR MAN TO CARE FOR THE POOR. “The wealthy should help the poor. Jesus taught that. The Church Fathers taught that long before modern popes wrote encyclicals (just read St. John Chrysostom or St. Augustine of Hippo). But what Jesus, the Acts of the Apostles and the Church Fathers all had in common in this regard is that they were talking about voluntary charity. They were not talking about the state.”  <http://wdtprs.com/blog/2012/03/why-a-religious-model-for-the-state-is-not-good/> (boldface my emphasis) I’ve written on this topic on a number of occasions and am delighted to present to you the … Continue reading