Respecting Ephesians 5

I was reading online and came across this EXCELLENT discussion of the passage in Ephesians that I have heard so many times in my life: Chapter 5. In her article, Respecting Ephesians 5, this author discusses the issues feminism has with the passage and why those are misguided.  She is very clear on the meaning of the passage IN CONTEXT which is something I rarely see.  She is very good with this topic. Do please read her article over at the Catholic Chapter House Blog. I most enjoyed her excellent handling of the material in context.  It is too often … Continue reading

History Texts and Learning Resources Recommendations

I used to hate history. It was a boring jumble of unrelated dates and isolated incidents completely focused on politics and economics that had no power to capture my imagination and thus could not be remembered.  BORING! Not anymore!  Several things came along to wake up my brain and make history something that I not only no longer dislike but I happily spend hours studying it! Dr. Warren H. Carroll wrote a series of World History texts titled his Christendom Series.  His writing turned me from a non-history learner to a person who enjoys the study of history. He made … Continue reading

Interesting Links and Recommendations

Fr. Z: Remember How We Got Here How the Bishops liked the idea of top down health care but failed to consider that once the government gets into deciding what care is a right and what sort of care is best we are then stuck with many many First Amendment violations and violations of the right to life. An Interview with Alice von Hildebrand on the Latin Mass. Greta Rest In Peace On the culture of death in the USA today and its similarities to the Nazi’s and their evil work murdering Jews and how they made everything they did … Continue reading

Called To Life: Introduction

Over at Suscipio I have joined in with other women to read the book, Called To Life by Jacques Philippe.  We began with the Introduction and I got a bit of a late start but am already enjoying this book.  The format is to read a section and then respond on that web site.  I can already see that this is a good community of women and edifying for me! My copy of this book is the Kindle edition.  I have to say that I am finding the basic kindle to be a good thing.  I can carry an entire … Continue reading

Really Awesome Blog to Tell You About!

ALL YOU CAN EAT CATHOLICS  is an amazing blog by two graduates of John Paul II University.  They are converts to Catholicism and their passion is showing the Bible as a Catholic Book. After all, the New Testament was compiled by Catholics aided by the Holy Spirit and the Old Testament in its fullness was preserved by the Catholic Church guided by the Holy Spirit. I have often said that the Bible led me to Catholicism.  I never felt that a God of order and reason as the creator of everything must be to have produced such a complex universe … Continue reading

Mothers and Children

My kids were rather radically different one from another and learning to parent each individual has certainly had it challenges.  It is a particular challenge for those of us whose vocations include parenting to find advice that works for our families. I heartily recommend the book by T. Berry Brazelton titled, INFANTS AND MOTHERS. His book Toddlers and Parents is another excellent book.  The best part about his books is that he recognizes that not all children are the same and not all children need the same things from their parents. Sadly the paperback version is out of print but … Continue reading

Book Review: Praying with the Orthodox Tradition

Book Review:  Praying With the Orthodox Tradition Introduction by Callistos Ware, Editor Stefano Parenti, translateor and editor Paula Clifford; St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2002. I have purchased this from at the suggestion of an Orthodox friend who knows that I play a persona from 1000AD Byzantium in my Society for Creative Anachronisms (SCA) fun time. The cost of the book was only $10.00 and it was just what I needed! These prayers date from 800AD.  These prayers were in use by Christians from that time and by Orthodox to the present.  PERIOD CORRECT prayers!!  This book includes a good … Continue reading

CCHD violations of Catholic Social Teaching

CIA: Social Injustice This is a very important video about the problems in the Catholic Campaign for Human Development or CCHD. Helping the poor cannot EVER be combined with ideologies incompatible with Catholic values– and the CCHD, with the full knowledge of the Bishops, hands over millions of dollars to groups that promote directly practices contrary to Catholic values– in other words, if you, as a Catholic, donate to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development YOU are promoting abortion, handouts of condoms, homosexual marriage and communism. Catholic Social teaching condemns abortion, yet the CCHD sends money to groups that promote … Continue reading

Quicksilver to Gold is now an Ignatius Press Affiliate!

We are delighted to announce that our blog has been accepted as an affiliate of Ignatius Press and when you go to their web site by way of one of the Ignatius icons on this blog and make a purchase you help to support this blog. Ignatius carries MANY excellent books. Following are a few examples: Didache series:  If you look under Catechesis: Didache you will find an excellent series of exceptionally well done texts for teenage catechesis.  I recommend these books because I’ve purchased them and found them colorful and filled with orthodoxy and plenty of it.  Not light … Continue reading

Learning to Dress Modestly

It can be done!  You can be dressed modestly and also be appropriate for the office.  You can be dressed modestly and avoid being frumpy.  Just think about the various styles that have existed over the history of clothing and realize that today there is a wider variety of styles in fashion than ever before– it can be very exciting and confusing. One delightful book about modest style is IT’S SO YOU by Mary Sheehan Warren, which is about finding your personal style and colors and being frugal and stylish by buying only what works for YOU;  another is THE … Continue reading