Novena for Religious Freedom!

Novena for Religious Freedom! I found my way to this delightful blog of novena prayers and decided to join in on this one. Starting on Ash Wednesday, I am joining nearly 10,000 Catholics to pray a Novena for Religious Freedom! With so many faithful Catholics around the world praying this novena, I thought you’d like to join too! This is a special novena because of all that has been going on in the US. But, it is also special because it is focused specifically on praying to Saints who were persecuted or martyred. You can sign up for handy email … Continue reading

Really Awesome Blog to Tell You About!

ALL YOU CAN EAT CATHOLICS  is an amazing blog by two graduates of John Paul II University.  They are converts to Catholicism and their passion is showing the Bible as a Catholic Book. After all, the New Testament was compiled by Catholics aided by the Holy Spirit and the Old Testament in its fullness was preserved by the Catholic Church guided by the Holy Spirit. I have often said that the Bible led me to Catholicism.  I never felt that a God of order and reason as the creator of everything must be to have produced such a complex universe … Continue reading