Links Page for Beyond Appearances Home School Co-op Presentation

Lovely Garb Links for recreating historical clothing: FABRIC TO INSPIRE: SARTOR:  Reference page to see fabrics recreated from archeological finds. Currently, they have a Viking fabric in polyester and rayon that could be trim. But this is more for reference as these fabrics (especially the silks) are very costly. LINEN:  The ILO19 is a nice weight and good for our climate. The price is reasonable for linen and they run daily sales. WOOL: absolutely period, for every region of the world, for every part of the period you are studying. Every person at every economic level would have had garments … Continue reading

The Walls of Constantinople

I just watched a wonderful TED talk on the significance of the Walls of Constantinople to the West.  I enjoyed that this video is both concise and clear. The only criticism I have is that those fleeing Constantinople did not only go to Rome, but to many other major cities. It was not so much the crusaders who brought the culture and knowledge from Constantinople to the west as it was the Eastern Romans themselves. Most of our books call them Byzantines, but they knew themselves as Roman. Go watch the video. Use it as part of your Church History … Continue reading

Starter Book For Byzantine Studies

DAILY LIFE IN THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE by Marcus Rautman is a good starting place for anyone interested in the Byzantine Empire. Sections on every imaginable aspect of daily living can be found in this book and the author gives references for further reading by way of chapter endnotes and a Bibliography. The book includes nice clear maps, a glossary of terms, index, list of rulers and their years in power, timeline, and illustrations. Chapter titles and headings are bold and informational to make finding a specific bit of information easier for the reader. As an over-view of life in Byzantium … Continue reading

Inspiration and Education

I have recently discovered the joys of browsing the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Online Collections. It began with my favorite time period and region to study which is Byzantium during the reign of Basil II.  Someone pinned a photo of a bracelet from around that period on their pinterest page and I saw it and followed the link to see more historical information on this artifact.  Thus began a several day, every spare moment, fascinating walk through the website.  I pinned lots of bits of fabric from around and before my period to aid in finding embroidery patterns that would … Continue reading

The Fall of Byzantium: conquest and destruction of the Christian East

I am tired of hearing that the crusades were western aggression against a peaceful Muslim population when that is flat out WRONG.  The article, “Exclusive – ‘Tyranny of Clichés’ Excerpt: The Truth About the Crusades” does a nice job repudiating this particular cliché. The Crusades were a DEFENSIVE war against Muslim aggression and sadly for the Christians, they mostly lost, and all the Christian world in the East fell under Islamic control.  Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt and much of North Africa were Christian long before they were invaded and conquered by Muslim armies. Until fairly recently, historically speaking, Muslims used … Continue reading

Interesting Links and Recommendations

Fr. Z: Remember How We Got Here How the Bishops liked the idea of top down health care but failed to consider that once the government gets into deciding what care is a right and what sort of care is best we are then stuck with many many First Amendment violations and violations of the right to life. An Interview with Alice von Hildebrand on the Latin Mass. Greta Rest In Peace On the culture of death in the USA today and its similarities to the Nazi’s and their evil work murdering Jews and how they made everything they did … Continue reading

Sewing, Weaving and SCA Fun! (renamed)

I’ve been exploring a number of interesting crafts as part of being a member of the Society for Creative Anachronisms or SCA for short. SCA is a lot of fun and can be a neat way to learn about history for home school.  You try to create a persona who could have lived in a particular era.  What did they wear? What fabric did they use? What colors? What foods? ANYTHING having to do with living in that period is part of the fun. I’m making a Byzantine outfit to wear to events. The Byzantine Empire was the remnant of … Continue reading