Inspiration and Education

I have recently discovered the joys of browsing the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Online Collections.

It began with my favorite time period and region to study which is Byzantium during the reign of Basil II.  Someone pinned a photo of a bracelet from around that period on their pinterest page and I saw it and followed the link to see more historical information on this artifact.  Thus began a several day, every spare moment, fascinating walk through the website.  I pinned lots of bits of fabric from around and before my period to aid in finding embroidery patterns that would be period correct for recreating clothing for that period.  I pinned a few pieces of lovely jewelry from that period as well.

I had fun!

AND collected reference pieces for documenting any projects I might choose to make for Arts and Sciences competitions at Society for Creative Anachronism events.  I want to eventually complete pieces to show off.  A sort of demonstration or sharing of the passionate study I do anyway.

Meanwhile, this web site is a treasure trove of interesting objects from the past.  Home School parents could use this link for helping their kids do research.  Parents of Asperkids could use this as a resource for connecting a mega-interest to documentation and examples and expand it into other subjects– an encyclopaedia is good for this as well.

Enjoy and Explore!

Dear Lord, thank You for the work of many persons who helped to create the collections found in museums, those who detailed the information about each piece and those whose efforts placed photographs and data online for everyone to enjoy.  Amen.

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