The Fall of Byzantium: conquest and destruction of the Christian East

I am tired of hearing that the crusades were western aggression against a peaceful Muslim population when that is flat out WRONG.  The article, “Exclusive – ‘Tyranny of Clichés’ Excerpt: The Truth About the Crusades” does a nice job repudiating this particular cliché. The Crusades were a DEFENSIVE war against Muslim aggression and sadly for the Christians, they mostly lost, and all the Christian world in the East fell under Islamic control.  Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt and much of North Africa were Christian long before they were invaded and conquered by Muslim armies. Until fairly recently, historically speaking, Muslims used … Continue reading

History Texts and Learning Resources Recommendations

I used to hate history. It was a boring jumble of unrelated dates and isolated incidents completely focused on politics and economics that had no power to capture my imagination and thus could not be remembered.  BORING! Not anymore!  Several things came along to wake up my brain and make history something that I not only no longer dislike but I happily spend hours studying it! Dr. Warren H. Carroll wrote a series of World History texts titled his Christendom Series.  His writing turned me from a non-history learner to a person who enjoys the study of history. He made … Continue reading