Advent: Hell is REAL!

Hell is a very real place and the vast majority of humanity through the abuse of their free will have chosen to live lives that will end with their spending eternity in Hell. 13 Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. 14 How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it! —Matthew 7:13-14 REPENT! is a constant admonition in the Scriptures and the Tradition of the Church.  St. … Continue reading

Advent Exploding into Contemplation

This Advent burst in on me with a loud crash followed by LOTS of time to think. Someone commented that I have a difficult life and off the cuff, without any thought I said, “Actually, I think I have an amazingly charmed life and this week the universe decided to do a quick correction.”  Now, that isn’t a particularly Catholic way to express how I see my life, but it fit the conversation at the time and caused me to pause and think on why I answered that way. Yes, First Sunday in Advent began with a crash. At first … Continue reading

Advent: Preparing to celebrate the birth of a savior

Advent is a season for reflection on my faith, on what I believe, not a season for thinking about what I shall buy. I do give gifts in honor of the Wise Men who came at the Epiphany to give gifts to the newborn King at CHRISTMAS which does not begin until the vigil Mass for December 25. I am reflecting this Advent on how fragile is life. How the devil does his best to rob you of your faith. How thoroughly the majority of my fellow Catholics have internalized the message of the devil, and how totally they have … Continue reading

Review: Simple English Propers For the Ordinary Form of Mass Sundays and Feasts

Every Chior director should have and use a copy of Simple English Propers For the Ordinary Form of Mass Sundays and Feasts. Adam Bartlett, the composer and editor, has created chants that lift the Ordinary Form of the Mass to the beauty it deserves and just as the title promises, they are simple. Published by Church Music Association of America, copyright 2010, ISBN #978-1-60743-724-6 this is a user friendly introduction to using chant. My background includes belonging to up to five choirs at the same time and many years of singing in church and for pure joy. Singing is a … Continue reading

Advent Mis-Adventures

Sunday, first Sunday in Advent, saw me happily leaving the house early to be early to an early Mass. Ten minutes later a car crossed my lane to make a left onto the road and caused a rather serious accident. I clearly saw her, saw the pickup coming down the road from the opposite direction to me, and suddenly, she pulls out directly into my path. She pulled out into my path with far too little distance between us for me to stop in time. It hurt, the impact. My seat belt did its job and held me tight, leaving … Continue reading