The Value of Routine

Summer days start out early, the sun shines brightly through the skylight and I wake with the dawn.  Today, I woke at 6:00. MORNING OFFERING I attempt to remember to greet the day with a brief prayer asking God to accept my efforts this day and asking for His aid in doing my work well.  This is the ideal, this sometimes even happens!  Other days, sadly all too often, my morning offering is made well after I begin my day.  Still, I keep reaching for that ideal I have of waking and dedicating every day to God even before my … Continue reading

Prayer to the Holy Spirit and Our Daily Lives

There is an old and wonderful prayer to the Holy Spirit.  I’ll add it at the end of this blog post. Every time I read in the works of early Christian writers about God the majority of what I pick up is about God the Father or God the Son and lots about the most Holy Trinity but, except where discussed as part of the Trinity, there is not a lot of writing about the Holy Spirit.  Even in the writings of most Saints there is much more about the Trinity, Father and Son than about the Holy Spirit. It … Continue reading

House Unseen, Life Unscripted blog

Sharing a link to a perfectly wonderful blog, House Unseen, Life Unscripted. I particularly related to the blog post here. I’m having “one of those days” and when I do have “one of those days” I tend to take myself and every little irritation much much too seriously.  Today, I was bothered far more about the screeching child who is unhappy about being on the SAFE side of the baby safety gate while I attempt to get my work done (totally ignoring toys and the nearly 200 square feet of baby safe space, with rug to play on and bare … Continue reading

Wearing Skirts

Moving from Quicksilver to Gold in my life, seeking my vocation, developing my plan of life, and discovering what is essential to that plan of life even extends to my clothing.  Clothing expresses much.  It can be business, formal, casual and even a mix of these and still express something unique about the person wearing it. For me, a major part of moving from Quicksilver to Gold is found in my wardrobe, especially in my skirts. Skirts delight the wearer if that wearer is anything like me.  I love the variety possible with skirts and delight in patterns from the … Continue reading

Discerning a Vocation

God desires our highest good and so He gives each of us a vocation to bring us closer to Him. God makes use of common things to communicate to us about our vocations. We pray for discernment and then look around at the evidence of God’s will for us that already exists. Why do we do this? Because most of the time the information about our own particular, unique vocation is already available to us but we aren’t looking properly and miss it. MY VOCATION I have discerned my vocation, prayed, evaluated my life, and practiced detachment to let go … Continue reading

Autoharping the toddler

The other day I decided it was time to let the tittle tiger in our family touch my autoharp. Being that this instrument is a well made one that cost money I probably should not have spent on myself I have been loath to let a 21 month old touch it. Never-the-less it was time and I knew just what method to use! There was at one time a bulletin board for autoharp and on it a woman demonstrated how she introduced the autoharp to small children, granted a bit older than 21 months, but still small: she let them … Continue reading

Detachment in a Vocation

Detachment is a marvelous concept which is essential to the fulfillment of any vocation. Detachment is that inner disposition which clings to God and refuses to cling to anything or anyone else in that same way. Detachment is the inner freedom to use and enjoy the material goods of this world without becoming enslaved to them. Detachment does not mean giving up everything good and fun and living a miserable life but it can mean giving up something very good that in human weakness one would rather not let go. GOOD AND GREATER GOOD What is this talk of “good” … Continue reading

Wubbie’s Woofs: The JOY of a good leash

My human has owned dogs her entire life so she came to me pretty well trained. That has been a wonderful thing for me because I have been taught good things from before my eyes even opened. She is a good human. She has done a bit of obedience and agility training (but I must say she is too slow to make a good Agility human), bred a few quality health and temperament tested litters (including ME), showed a few dogs to conformation champions (like 15 of my relatives!) and studied to be an AKC judge.  In recent years she … Continue reading

Vocation, Parents and Religious Education

A vocation that includes marriage and children brings with it the rights and responsibilities related to that vocation.  Due to their vocation, parents have a responsibility to educate their children. This includes religious education. In an article found here a Msgr. Barreiro said, “it is absolutely clear that parents are the primary educators of their children”. Some individuals (found in the link above) insist that religious education (teaching the catechism) is the domain of the pastor and not the parents; others in the same article place the primary responsibility on the parents.  To better decide who is correct let us … Continue reading

Vocation and Marriage

Vocations come in many shapes and sizes.  A person already married clearly has a vocation to marriage, or at least has chosen to have one even if that had not previously been in the plan of life. Marriage, like Holy Orders, is a sacrament that is meant to be for life.  Once married, all discussions of an individual unique vocation for the married person must include marriage as an undisputed element in that vocation. Marriage, by seeking to live it fully in the Christian way, is a powerful means of sanctification in my life.  The struggles married people have to … Continue reading