Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi on the situation with Fr. John Corapi

  The Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi writes at his blog  ABYSSUS ABYSSUM INVOCAT / DEEP CALLS TO DEEP and specifically, he has commented on the situation with Fr. John Corapi here. The Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi is a voice of reason in a maelstrom of unrest.  After reading what he has to say, I have come to the conclusion that while I do think the lack of good due process is an issue to be worked out in the Church, it is not good to condemn decisions being made here just because of that issue.  Separate them, deal … Continue reading

Issues of Faith: Sacraments

Catholics believe in seven sacraments, some of which cannot be undone once they are done: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Marriage, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick.  Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Holy Orders are one time and permanent. Once Baptized, a person is permanently marked by God and will never lose that mark, even if they repudiate everything Christian and live a debauched life, never repent and end up in Hell by their own choice–the mark will remain.  The same is true of Confirmation, Marriage and Holy Orders. Marriage and Holy Orders are entries into a state of life.  This … Continue reading