Nostagia or ?

Once upon a time I showed dogs, bred champions, trained in obedience and agility, did all the proper health testing even if there wasn’t a problem in my breed, and even trained to be an AKC judge. I then went through a crisis and ended up letting it all go. So now, I enjoy my pets but they are not particularly trained. Recently I spent a lot of time getting some scheduling moved around so that I could return to attending the meetings of our local kennel club. Why? Because I saw an old acquaintance coming out of Church and … Continue reading

Progressing In My Vocation

I used to wonder how I would ever know what to do with my life. Many persons have asked this question. It is a huge struggle because each of us has many possible paths we could take and are generally young and inexperienced when we make some pretty major choices. I remember looking at the wide range of my interests and abilities and despairing of ever figuring out what I was expected to do with all of that!  Which way did God want me to go? Which way did I want to go?  Were they the same?  Were all decisions … Continue reading