Other Person’s Glad Tidings

I’ve recently noticed something about myself; I noticed that when I am sad and in difficulties, reading about something good happening to a friend or acquaintance helps me feel hopeful.  That is one of the reasons that community is so important.  We create little groups, sometimes in person, sometimes online, sometimes a mix of the two, and in that little group we share back and forth about the events of our lives to the benefit of the community. Today was disappointing. We’re in the midst of something I’ll tell about someday but not yet. I am anxious and unhappy. I … Continue reading

Destruction of Purity

Several friends were discussing the the changes in our education system which even the parochial schools are embracing. We discussed a book assigned to middle school children written in first person from the perspective of a pedophile and everyone felt that it was not appropriate reading material for a child who is barely entering puberty.  They were wondering what the agenda was that caused the writers of this program to select a book about sexual deviancy for children who do not yet have their own healthy sexuality set solidly.  We agreed that the pornographic sex education was just wrong and … Continue reading