The Value of Silence

My word or theme for this year is SILENCE. I know I’m a bit repetitive but the experience has me thinking a lot about the need to cut out some of the noise in my life that keeps me from being present in my own day. I like to be more aware of my own emotions and those of my family. I like to be relaxed and able to connect with them. Last year was a very noisy year and so I am over-whelmed. This needs to change. Oddly enough, blogging is part of getting away from the noise. A … Continue reading

No Voice, No Voices

My puppets sit silent. This bug has ravaged my throat and I am lucky to be able to speak. Today, Saturday, on the Epiphany of the Lord, I will not make Mass, and certainly will not sing. I will strum on my autoharp and try a few new songs. I will hope to be well enough to get to dance class on Monday. I will pray the antibiotic works. This really SAD picture is of my pile of soft puppets, in a heap, waiting for me to recover enough to get back to them. I haven’t dared to pick them … Continue reading

Listening To the Silence

Silence is my word for this year. Last year was Faith, the year before Hope. I wondered what word to choose and it jumped out of an article at me.  I ought to blog on that…but for now looking at results. The youngest is settled on the carpet with a pony that is a unicorn with bright colored mane, talking to the toy, moving it about, lost in some imaginative play. I cannot make out any actual words. Just a conversational babbling. The youngest has blocks. Actually they are drilled for stringing on chord to practice motor skills. “I’m building … Continue reading


Our New Years Eve was spent peeking through the windows at fireworks set off by the neighbors, as was the night of New Years Day. The days were spent inside, hiding from the cold, and in my case suffering not very quietly. HAPPY NEW YEAR! WELCOME 2018! This is my year to contemplate SILENCE. Its meaning in a spiritual life. Its meaning in everyday life. What is the significance of Silence, which we have so little of these days? I think we’re not connecting with God or each other because we are over-whelmed by noise. We’re so shut down by … Continue reading