Baptism on the Feast of St. Josemaria Escriva

St. Josemaria Escriva is a favorite of many people I know, especially me.  So it is a wonderful joy to me that we are celebrating the Baptism of our newest family member on June 26th, Feast of St. Josemaria Escriva, who passed into the hands of God on this day in 1975.

The prelate of Opus Dei writes a letter each month to the members of Opus Dei, and I find it highly edifying.  Bishop Javier Echevarría is eloquent:

The whole month of June is filled with significant dates, for the history of Opus Dei as well: the ordination of the first priests, on June 25, 1944; the arrival of our Father in Rome, on June 23, 1946; the definitive approval of the spirit and norms of the Work by the Holy See, on June 16, 1950. And, especially, the passage of St. Josemaría to heaven on the 26th of June, 1975. I can assure you that our Founder, right to his final day on earth, wanted and strove to genuflect before the Tabernacle with very special devotion. That 26th of June, he was physically totally exhausted, but despite everything he knelt down in deep adoration to the Blessed Eucharist on returning from Castelgandalfo. Do we also do so? Are we aware of adoring God at those moments? Do we feel the need to greet the Blessed Sacrament on entering and leaving the church or oratory where he is reserved?

When we celebrate the liturgical feast of St. Josemaría, let us ask through his intercession for a great increase in desires for sanctity and apostolate in all the faithful—priests and laity—of the Work, and also in the friends and Cooperators who benefit from its spirit. Let us pray for the expansion of the apostolic work to so many places where people are awaiting us. And, therefore, let us ask our Lord to grant to many men and women the grace of responding generously to the call he is addressing to them to follow him closely, opening up the divine paths of the earth.  (Letter from the Prelate, Bishop Javier Echevarría, June 4, 2012)

I hope our child finds this Saint an inspiration and seeks to live a holy life as did this man and to offer to God all parts of the vocation God asks our sweet little child to pursue.

Dear Lord, please help us to teach this child well to know, love and serve You.  I ask St. Escriva to pray for the godparents who will stand with us at this Baptism and for the Deacon who will officiate. Thank You God for the blessing of St. Escriva’s example, and the work, and for all the people whose prayers will be for this child’s soul. Thank You Lord, especially, for the blessing of being parents to a child of God. Amen

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