Baptism on the Feast of St. Josemaria Escriva

St. Josemaria Escriva is a favorite of many people I know, especially me.  So it is a wonderful joy to me that we are celebrating the Baptism of our newest family member on June 26th, Feast of St. Josemaria Escriva, who passed into the hands of God on this day in 1975. The prelate of Opus Dei writes a letter each month to the members of Opus Dei, and I find it highly edifying.  Bishop Javier Echevarría is eloquent: The whole month of June is filled with significant dates, for the history of Opus Dei as well: the ordination of … Continue reading

Choosing Godparents

Choosing Godparents is a serious process for a Catholic.  The persons you choose will be responsible for helping you raise your child in the Faith and few Catholics these days take that responsibility seriously. I was very blessed that a good friend and her husband were willing to take on the responsibility for our young daughter.  I considered asking them to also be Godparents to our little son, but I didn’t want to ask my friends to take on the responsibility of two. I have therefore, asked a friend from graduate school in theology if she will be godmother and … Continue reading