Memories of Childhood

Over at A Woman’s Place…Depends On Her Vocation, she posted on the determination of her little one in hunting for the hidden gifts.  This made me smile as I recalled a time my brother and sister and I managed to FIND the Christmas gifts about a week before Christmas. Our Dad had quite the challenge to convince us that because Santa could not possibly get to EVERY house in one night that he often chose some parents to be helpers and take an early delivery of the Santa presents. They were quickly re-hidden and we didn’t see them again until … Continue reading

Writing Excercises

Writing is a skill that must be used to stay fresh. Writing is a vital part of my vocation. Writing, be it in a blog, book review or book, is a craft that I enjoy.  In keeping with my goals, I have been writing this blog to develop a regular pattern of writing. Thus far, with a break to go visit my sister, I’ve been nearly regular enough to please myself.  It is a good start. I added the newsletter for the Shire (an SCA group) in order to add my skills to the support of my local group.  They … Continue reading