I have heard it said that the Catholic and the Orthodox are two different churches but I don’t buy that. There may be a fissure in the full unity, but they are not two different Churches. I believe this because after all these hundreds of years the Holy Spirit has preserved orthodoxy in the whole. Oh there is a fissure, made by man, maintained by man, but the guardianship of the Holy Spirit is evidence to me that both are part of God’s one Church. God has one Church (visit the Bible to read up on this). You can recognize … Continue reading

Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary–recommendation

Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary is a wonderfully orthodox school for the development of priests who know the Extraordinary form of the Mass and have studied in great depth the truths of our Faith and are prepared to give sound homilies. This is the seminary for the English speaking members of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter which was established by Blessed John Paul II in the year 1988.  The training the men receive from the fraternity is highly orthodox, along the lines of St. Thomas Aquinas, and incorporates Vatican II properly. For someone seeking a place worthy of donations … Continue reading