How to Impress a Toddler #2

We were sitting in my office and the Little Crow climbed into my lap and pointed to the rain falling on the skylight and outside the window. I was snuggling him because the weather turned colder and the office was chilly. That, and I love any chance I get to cuddle my kids. I also love to sing to them.

This is what I found myself singing to the little one:

The Rain Came Down
The rain came down
the water went up into the sky
the temperature dropped
oh my oh my!
the clouds are quickly blowing by
the rain came down

Now, sing it to the tune of Three Blind Mice.

I might not have done much in the story department this week, but I am not the least bit sorry when my only writing was for my children.

Dear Lord, thank You for family and home. Thank You for music. +Amen

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