
I’ve been reading a really good book titled, Style, Sex and Substance, 10 Catholic Women Consider the Things that Really Matter, edited by Hallie Lord.  Each chapter has spoken to me about where I am in my life, my faith, my relationships, and my work.  I didn’t expect to get so much out of this book, with its odd title and pink cover, but I have.

Just the other day I was bemoaning the fact that my friends are spread out all over the country and their lives are as busy as mine and sometimes I feel a bit lonely.  Especially as I have only a couple of local friends and they too have busy lives.

So I was feeling a bit sorry for myself. After all, as an introvert, I find meeting people and growing friendships very difficult.  I had the start of a really good pity party settling in when I read the next chapter in that pink book.

WHAM!  God got me right between the eyes.  That chapter was about friendship and it forcefully showed me that if I am lacking enough friends then the solution is to think of someone I have met whom I like and would like to know better, pick up the phone or email and ask them to coffee. Then repeat this simple action as often as it takes to cultivate more friendships!

Perhaps this isn’t rocket science but I wasn’t DOING that simple action.  I was just unhappy because the people I know are generally rather busy and I’d tried to get a women’s group going and it flopped because the people we asked to come were simply to busy to be interested.  I was unhappy too because the groups at Church just weren’t appealing to me.  I wanted something a bit deeper.

I picked up my email list because one person I know locally who I would like to know better is on there, and I asked her to coffee.  This week she couldn’t but she suggested I call her early next week. So I added that to my calendar so I won’t forget.  And right there, so simple, I began the process of getting out and chatting and looking for those individuals who will turn out to be friends.

Simple, but it took a chapter in a book to rattle me enough to get me to take action.

Dear Lord, thank You for books that help us to see what You would have us see about ourselves. Please help me to be a good friend to the people around me. Thank You for the women I know who are friends and thank You for the women who might yet become friends. Amen

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