Sometimes the midafternoon sucks

Yeah, my title is crude. I’m at my desk unable to work because the Little Tiger, who is almost three, is throwing a temper tantrum over being forbidden to bring the outside slide into the house. I should get a prize for patience this afternoon. I ought to get a prize for parenting too! What a loud tantrum the Little Tiger throws. It began with a small rebellion. I told my child “No, the outside slide must stay out here.” The child did not like this and said so. Daddy said he could watch while he worked nearby. I repeated, … Continue reading

Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong, famous son of my old home town of Wapakoneta Ohio, has passed away at 82 yrs young. Live long and prosper first on the moon! May heaven’s gates open for you and may you rest in God’s great peace. . “He thinks, he acts, ’tis done.”  –from his high school yearbook. . Article about the 40th anniversary of the Moon Landing. . We fail the younger generations by not holding up such men as the only truly worthy heroes. Sports are for sissies compared to THESE men! These men were the great ones. Men like Neil Armstrong are … Continue reading

Journey Notes: Evaluating Spaces

Compact efficient spaces are important because of the decreased cost needed to own and maintain them.  Important also because they challenge the idea that every home must be huge.  Today’s post is inspired by the Tiny House Talk Blog discussion about the tiny house movement (under 200 square feet) and why people have left it. These super tiny houses inspire me.  I’ve been a pack-rat and found I was not happy.  I owned all sorts of stuff, the sorts of things you are supposed to own but which I don’t use.  So during a particularly chaotic period of my life, … Continue reading