Rainbows and Double Rainbows

November was quite the month for rainbows here. For weeks there seemed to be an afternoon rainbow on a near daily basis. Twice I raced outside to get pictures and captured a few decent shots.

Amazing! Absolutely beautiful! And I even managed to get a picture of my beloved family, muddy from playing outside, to stand still long enough to grab several different photos I will treasure of them positioned so the rainbow came down toward them, my treasure at the end of my rainbow. Caught two in this example.

Rainbows always bring to mind the story of Noah from the Bible, and how the Rainbow is a promise. Rainbows remind me of all the blessings I have in my life, so having them during November certainly fit with the theme of Thanksgiving. I blog out this year and in anticipation of 2018, there is more good than anything else in my life. Even my problems pale in significance when I remember to cherish my husband and children.

Dear Lord, Thank You for rainbows and family to love. +Amen.


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