Ordinary Goodness: Indian Flute-autoharp duet, Scottish tune, Humor in music, and a Vocation Well Lived

This is a duet between Native American Flute and an Autoharp set up as a “diaprizm…a diatonic autoharp with floating penatonic chord bars” [Hal Weeks–musician]

It is a lovely piece.

Sometimes we need this sort of thing as a balance to all the difficulties in life.  Things like sudden surgeries can really get a person down and it is important to balance these with reminders of nicer things.

How about this piece:

JoAnn Smith playing a Scottish tune, Sky Boat Song.  Pretty song played marvelously well!

And of course, one should enjoy the humorous side of life brought to us from the delightful autoharpist Bryan Bowers:

Every person has a vocation.  It is made up of all those talents and abilities with which God endows the individual.  These persons clearly have music as a significant part of their vocations.  Their work can bring a smile to the listener.  It is a goodness that should be appreciated.  Take time to think about the many people whose work is a pleasing goodness in the world.

I think about a person I knew at Church. Trudy Krise was a delightful person! She had the most joyful zeal for the things of God of any person I ever met.  Her love of Church teaching just glowed from her when she shared her Faith.  She was also a gifted baker.  NOBODY missed a Bible study session if Trudy was bringing the snack!  She made her baked goods look prettier than anything I have ever seen anywhere.  Then, to add to the amazing experience of LOOKING at one of her creations, it even TASTED that good!  She loved her husband deepy and passionately. She loved her kids. She loved the Church. She loved God.  Her example was for me the ideal of a vocation well lived.

I pray for the grace from God do live my vocation so well as Trudy Krise lived hers! God bless!


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