Health Care

I do not like the leviathan of a health care program cooked up by our government (VOTE THEM OUT) which will hit the middle class hard (huge tax hike) and very likely do nothing but bad things for the over-all availability of health care. 1.  Allow Competition I want to see the rules lifted that prevent me, and small businesses, from buying health insurance across state lines.  That way if the rules in another state allow for a policy I like better than what is available in my own state, I can buy that policy. Small businesses from all over … Continue reading

Parish, not Government

The government is not commanded by the Lord to care for widows and orphans.  It may very well have programs to do so, but the responsibility is not given to the government. Christians were given this commandment.  The pattern is in the New Testament.  Widows and Orphans were to be fed, clothed and cared for, but those able bodies who would not work, Paul wrote, should not eat either. How could that look today? Well, PARISH planners spend a lot of time on this and that but not a lot of time on fulfilling this commandment at the parish level.  … Continue reading

Paul Ryan & Catholic Social Teaching

This morning my husband came in all excited by something he had read online.  While the reading online is not unusual, his excitement was indeed unusual. This left me with the task of doing my own reading online to catch up so as to have some clue about what had my unflappable husband so excited. I began where he told me to begin. I started out with Instapundit. I don’t think I actually figured out which article he meant for me to read, but I followed a link to a C-Span of Paul Ryan giving a speech about the budget … Continue reading

Spiritual Warfare, Lenten Preparation and Church Authority

Here are some excellent blog posts to add to your reading for Lent.  They pertain to current events and may be useful as an aid to developing your own answers for the questions we Catholics get asked about Lent and what it means and the current political battles between the Culture of Life and the Culture of Death. Lent is 40 Days of Spiritual Battle. Fr. Z has a good post on spiritual warfare and prayers for Ash Wednesday. A Current Battle in our secular world is on who has the authority to determine religious practices; specifically, on those issues … Continue reading