The Coming School Year

Education of our children is a major concern of parents. We are our children’s first and primary teachers and have the responsibility before God to give our children the education they need to grow into good Catholics and good citizens. This weighs heavily on me every fall as I look at the new curriculum I have chosen and ask myself if I chose rightly. Home School is ever-evolving and I with it. I have a teaching degree and classroom experience, but I have home schooled far more years than I ever spent teaching anywhere. I love it, the challenge and … Continue reading

Thoughts On a Saturday Morning

My heart grieves for the families in CT who have lost loved ones in a senseless shooting at an Elementary school.  There should never be gun free zones because evil will choose those places preferentially.  Teachers and administrators need the means to defend themselves and their students.  It is a horrible tragedy and I pray for all involved. An acquaintance is returning to work, placing her baby in a daycare, and grieving the necessity. This brings home to me how blessed I have been to stay home with my children. Even more, how blessed I am to be free to … Continue reading

Good videos: Learning to blow an Ocarina better and other Musical topics

I suspect if someone had explained this to me when I was in 5th grade taking recorder to qualify for band I might not have flunked out!  I never mastered how to blow that thing so it sounded even decent and the band director decided I hadn’t practiced.  I blew and blew on that thing but I sure didn’t improve! Anyway, anyone wanting to learn an instrument should explore Youtube as a resource.  Lots of fun stuff on there for learning an instrument. Here is one for the autoharp I love so much: This is from an instructional video available … Continue reading