HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  Clang the bells and welcome in 2013!  I very likely am sleep as this posts for me automatically (Thank God for WordPress!) but my heart is in the welcoming of the New Year. I hope for everyone much grace and many blessings in the coming year. Remember that Jan I, 2013 is a Feast Day and Holy Day of Obligation. I hope everyone sings a wonderful Marian hymn or two to honor Mary, Theotokos. Let us be sure to seek willful holiness, sanctity, and all the virtues in the coming year so that we become better examples … Continue reading

All Saints, All Souls and All Hallows Eve

Someone asked if we celebrated Halloween and how:  A WOMAN’S PLACE… This caused me to think about all the things I love about what the secular world calls Halloween and that we Catholics sometimes call All Hallows Eve. WHERE I AM COMING FROM Well, lets see… I’m a strongly orthodox Catholic and have a masters in theological studies from a nice orthodox school of theology whose professors were all approved by a rather strongly orthodox Bishop; I’ve studied ESCHATOLOGY which is a fancy way of saying I studied the stuff the Church teaches about death and what comes after and … Continue reading