Wednesday Blogging and Laundry

A plan of life includes time for every essential, or it should do so.  Blogging is something I do for many reasons.  To share about my journey, my midlife transitions, and moving into my personal vocation in a new way are all reasons why I chose to blog. It requires learning to use new technologies better.  I’d jumped into the internet reluctantly. No, lets be honest, 20 years ago I was dragged kicking and screaming into the internet age and discovered I enjoyed Compuserve.  Later, when Compuserve was bought out and began to change in ways many of us old … Continue reading

Retreat–Holy week

A retreat is a special time spent in prayer and in seeking clarity.  This retreat was no different. I signed up for it not knowing much except that this center was known for really well done retreats.  I found out on arrival that it was a silent retreat.  WOW, several days of not talking? I am so glad I went!

There were meditations to think about several times a day deep ones, and during silent prayer in the chapel there were examinations of conscience, so many things to think about, to consider one’s life in the light of these things, passages of scripture presented with words of wisdom that brought home how these lessons were meant for our lives now, today, and not only for the past. The meals were wonderful, and social without speaking.  During meals we listened to Scott Hahn’s newest book on tape and I need to buy a copy.  Mass and Adoration of our Lord were uplifting and we had enough time between activities to journal and to think.

As in any examination of one’s life, there were the uncomfortable elements.  I found myself becoming aware of several serious flaws in how I was living and the need to make some changes of habits.  In the long run these issues will work out for the best, meanwhile, seeing myself in a clearer way was uncomfortable.

After three days of silence, we had a fun time at the last breakfast before we all headed home. I didn’t just take insights into myself away with me, but some new friends too.


Information gives me great pleasure and no matter where my interests head there is always far more information that the majority of people will ever see. I love links. These and the ones which will be added later are chosen because they represent sources of information in their subject area.  There is a lot which I won’t share here, links to information that does not excite me is not going to make the cut. Eventually I would like to make a blog post on every single wonderful link on the list.  I hope you, my readers, find something in the … Continue reading