The Best Homeschool Writing Curriculum

The very BEST writing curriculum is designed in the family with good reading and child-interest directed writing assignments. It has two stages. STAGE ONE: Read lots to your children. Read good quality writing from every genre that you want to teach your child to write.  Journalism? Read great journalism to the children. Speeches? Read the great speeches to your children. Mysteries? Adventure? Drama? Science Fiction? Fantasy?  All of the written word, provided it is quality, is the right material to read to your children. Also part of reading is allowing your children access to lots of good quality writing. Encourage … Continue reading

Catholic Writer’s Guild LIVE! Conference REVIEW

I spent most of this past week in Arlington taking in the amazing Catholic Writer’s Guild Live! Conference, that took place in the same place as the Catholic New Media Conference, and the Catholic Marketing Network Trade Show.  WOW!!!  It has taken me nearly three days of recovery to even begin to absorb all that I attended. First, the good.  I loved meeting people whose blogs and books I have read, am reading, or would like to read. That was so very very FUN I can barely handle it yet.  Give me time.  I’m a mite slow in managing input … Continue reading

Home School Conference

Catholic Home School Conference this Friday and Saturday in Houston TX. There are not a lot of home school conferences that serve Catholics. Few Catholic curriculum providers are invited to have booths at the other home school conferences. Few Catholic speakers are invited to give talks at other home school conferences and certainly none that are boldly Catholic in their choice of topics. We ignore this prejudice because we recognize that for most non-Catholics it doesn’t even occur to them that the prejudice might be offensive. We accept that none of our good Catholic Curriculum providers will be advertising in … Continue reading