Cardinal Burke Quote

I enjoy certain blogs. I read several daily, and a few when they post more or less frequently, and I even enjoy the video blogging I watch on Youtube. This morning I was reading Fr. Z’s Blog and ran across a quote from Cardinal Burke which I liked, so I am sharing it here: “We as Catholics have not properly combated (the culture) because we have not been taught our Catholic Faith, especially in the depth needed to address these grave evils of our time. This is a failure of catechesis both of children and young people that has been … Continue reading

Thoughts on Two E’s

Someone asked me why I cheer for every single person I see succeeding in any way. I had no pat answer for her, and this began me thinking. Why DO I cheer, even for the other team? Why am I delighted at every single story of someone making their mark or accomplishing their personal best? And figured out that it boils down to the impact of Excellence and Envy on our culture. I cheer because every person’s success enriches not only them, but me as well. We strive toward goals as individuals, but our efforts impact not only ourselves but … Continue reading