PLANNER-a tool for keeping track

Planners are a tool that I have used for many years. I’ve gradually learned what elements in a planner work for me, and which do not work for me. Our lives are complex and a planner can help us keep track of the many aspects of our vocations. They are a good tool. I have used Daytimers, Dayplanners, FranklinCovey, Erin Condren, and other planners. I learned something useful from each and every planner I tried. For ME, smaller is not better but the larger format (8×10) is too big. I use the middle size which FranklinCovey calls the Classic, and … Continue reading

Lists, and LISTS

Lists, I have used lists, on old envelopes, scratch paper, post-it notes, calendar printouts, and many variations, and while all have the virtue of being useful, not one was consistent enough and all were too easily lost.  ENTER my new planner, which is proving to be a top flight choice for me. BUT….. you just knew that was coming didn’t you? I can fill the monthly spread with everything I am thinking about attending so I know when and where things will be happening. This feature is working exactly as it ought to work, and I love it. I can … Continue reading


HOPE, a supernatural virtue. Back in January someone suggested choosing a word for the year. I chose HOPE. Everyone knows the verse about Faith, Hope, and Charity and I realized that I needed to dwell a bit on Hope. Hope is a big part of Trust, and trusting God is essential for happiness and peace. I get anxiety so growing in peace would be very nice. So I added the word HOPE to the insert that marks the weekly spread in my planner. It is in green, a color of growing things, and this urges me to be hopeful. It … Continue reading