Ordinary Goodness: Vatican II

Vatican II is a set of guidelines for a powerful revival in the Catholic Church, a revival capable of pulling many separated brethren and lukewarm Catholics back to the true Faith. Therefore, the powers of hell have worked tirelessly to influence individuals to undermine the work of Vatican II; an undermining made possible by many years of bad or non-existent religious education and general spiritual laziness on the part of the majority of Christians. I think it will be the LAITY, loyal to the Pope and to Church Teaching, who will respond to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and through reform … Continue reading

Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong, famous son of my old home town of Wapakoneta Ohio, has passed away at 82 yrs young. Live long and prosper first on the moon! May heaven’s gates open for you and may you rest in God’s great peace. . “He thinks, he acts, ’tis done.”  –from his high school yearbook. . Article about the 40th anniversary of the Moon Landing. . We fail the younger generations by not holding up such men as the only truly worthy heroes. Sports are for sissies compared to THESE men! These men were the great ones. Men like Neil Armstrong are … Continue reading

Author of Liberty

Catholics are expected to know and love what is good and worthy about our country.  We should remember and pass on to our children our patriotic traditions so that they will appreciate what it means to be a citizen. Catholic teaching also urges non-citizens living in this country to learn the patriotic traditions of the United States in order to honor and respect those traditions. Here are a few essentials to review for ourselves and pass on to our children and to all new immigrants. AMERICA On this day of Patriotic Celebration, please sing this prayer for our country: (This … Continue reading

Inspiration and Education

I have recently discovered the joys of browsing the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Online Collections. It began with my favorite time period and region to study which is Byzantium during the reign of Basil II.  Someone pinned a photo of a bracelet from around that period on their pinterest page and I saw it and followed the link to see more historical information on this artifact.  Thus began a several day, every spare moment, fascinating walk through the website.  I pinned lots of bits of fabric from around and before my period to aid in finding embroidery patterns that would … Continue reading

The Fall of Byzantium: conquest and destruction of the Christian East

I am tired of hearing that the crusades were western aggression against a peaceful Muslim population when that is flat out WRONG.  The article, “Exclusive – ‘Tyranny of Clichés’ Excerpt: The Truth About the Crusades” does a nice job repudiating this particular cliché. The Crusades were a DEFENSIVE war against Muslim aggression and sadly for the Christians, they mostly lost, and all the Christian world in the East fell under Islamic control.  Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt and much of North Africa were Christian long before they were invaded and conquered by Muslim armies. Until fairly recently, historically speaking, Muslims used … Continue reading