5th Day of Christmas: Feast of St. Thomas Becket

5th Day of Christmas: Feast of St. Thomas Becket

St. Thomas Becket, like St. Thomas More, was a faithful Catholic and a highly regarded and honest man in the service of justice who received martyrdom. Their work as lawyers and as government officials did much to promote truth and justice in their country.  Their vocations to being faithful Catholics (one in Holy Orders, one not) in secular work give the lay person today prime examples for our own careers being means of sanctification and service to God.  Sadly, those in political power over the two St. Thomas’ did not always appreciate their determined refusal to compromise truth for political expediency.

St. Thomas Becket eventually became the Archbishop of Canterbury and was martyred at the altar for his loyalty to Christ.

May we all, like St. Thomas Becket, learn our faith well, work in our secular lives for the good of all people, and be prepared to suffer and perhaps even die rather than compromise our Faith.



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